Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hello Children! Al Core is hanging out with a hot chick

Man Bear Pig, Al Core, is currently working along side very smokin' Cameron Diaz for
":60 Seconds to Save the Earth. People are asked to submit :15,:30,:60 second PSA's
that urge other people to save the earth.

When both realized that they were using up the world's oxygen supply, they both
promptly killed themselves to avoid being hypocrites. Al Gore did cut back on
his electric bill in the past few months and is urging his family to use candle
power from now on.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Here is a a pic of ManBearPig

Here is a picture of this horrible creature threatening humanity today.

When those liberal nuts want to take away your gun rights, show them this picture and they may change their tune some. Well, I reckon they would.

Man Bear Pig is among us

Those who are familiar with manbearpig, know how dangerous this creature is. Half man,half bear,and half pig. This creature is the most dangerous threat to mankind.

First discovered by Al Gore, the manbearpig was last seen in a cave near South Park, CO.

Since, it was believed that manbearpig was killed when Al Gore flooded the cave, most experts including Al Gore have moved on to other causes such as global warming and making movies.

Others, like us, believe the devilish creature survived and may be living in the midwest hunting beavers and other small animals.